Gifted Grownups - The Miked Blessings of Extraordinary Potential. Marylou Kelly Streznewski

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Gifted Grownups - The Miked Blessings of Extraordinary Potential. Marylou Kelly Streznewski

Message par Catwoman » ... d_Grownups

Après avoir lu de très nombreux livres majoritairement d'origine Française, ce livre à été pour moi une bouffé fraîche.
De très (trop) nombreux témoignages, mais plusieurs aspects de la douance, à mon avis négligés par plusieurs autres auteurs, par exemple la famille douée, et l'ennuie au travail.
Aussi, le système scolaire Américain étant très différent qu'en France, et étant moi-même québécoise, je me retrouve pour ainsi dire entre deux chaises. Je ne me reconnait pas trop ni dans l'un ni dans l'autre, mais enfin de constater l'écart m'a rassuré en quelque sorte.
Aussi, une attitude plus souple par rapport aux résultats de QI, qui me permet enfin de m'accepter totalement comme surdouée. Et finalement, un ton un peu moins déprimant que plusieurs, une perspective différente, et un stimulateur de pensées nouvelles.

Ce qui me porte également à réfléchir à l'écart entre les cultures par rapport à la douance et aux frontières linguistiques des publications. Je travaille maintenant dans un environnement anglophone, et j'avais souhaiter partager mes lectures francophones avec des confrères, seulement pour confirmer qu'il n'existe pas vraiment de traduction disponible ni dans un sens ni dans l'autre. Ce livre est le premier livre anglophone sur la douance que je lis, dans l'optique de pouvoir le partager avec des anglophones qui sont près de moi et qui seront concernés je crois.

Y a t'il d'autres personne ici intéressées à la littérature étrangère sur le sujet?

Je vous propose la table des matières, et en vrac, quelque uns de mes marques pages / notes au fil de ma lecture a ce point :


Part one The gifted grownups

What makes you gifted?
Inside the gifted brain/mind
In hiding

Part two When the smart kids grow up

The gifted family
School: Hard time, easy as
Young adults : The extra mile
Bored, bored, bored; the quest for a challenging work

Part three Gifted lives

The dark side
Finding the others: friends and lovers
Gifted women
Young in mind: The later years
The value of the gift

P. 9 Gifted Behaviours: curiosity, energy, speed, concentration, sensitivity, sophistication of thinking, persistence, humour, and... something about their eyes.

p.22 Signs of giftedness

-Does think faster than anyone else
-Has more energy
-Has an endless curiosity for new things
-Uses up jobs
-Is sensitive both to beauty and to pain
-Has genuine empathy and sensitive perception
-Is not afraid to be regarded as an oddball or a weird person
-Is playful
-Has a very highly developed moral sense
-Has more insight and intuition than other
-Express a felling of being out of sync with the rest of the world
-Sees patterns and analogies and can do abstract thinking
-May not have scored above 130 on IQ test. May have scored above 130 on IQ test.
-Just seems more complicated than other people.

p. 70 The dynamic of a gifted family

Within the dynamic of the family can be found all of the persons who appear in the chapter that follow. Understanding the interaction of their special and sometime conflicting needs is essential if we are to nourish their abilities successfully. To look at a list of characteristics of the gifted, like the one below, in terms of how a whole family interacts is to understand and perhaps turn to forces for good the high-energy that crackles among any collection of high-powered minds:

- Heightened sensitivity, both emotional and physiological.
- Need for challenging work, resistance to routines, authority, low frustration tolerance.
- Increased levels of inner conflicts; relentless self-criticism, difficulty in choosing among multiple talents.
- Difficulty in dealing with others; impatience, reluctance to accept criticism, unrealistic expectations, coping with hostility from others.
- Feelings of isolation: hiding talents.
- Deep concern with morality and justice, whether personal or world problems.

p. 85 Easy as mean Nothing
Being successful without feeling the joy of pushing your limits can create very negative feelings in a bright and idealistic high school student. One termed it "being rewarded to produce garbage!"

p. 108 three tasks

Arriving at 30 in one emotionally and financially healthy piece is an accomplishment for anyone. Gifted grownups seem to have three special task: (1) to recognize their difference and learn to value themselves because of it, not in spite of it. (2) to allow themselves to meet their needs by more intense work, more school, a better job, or trying new things; and (3) to avoid the scattering effects of too much of task 2.

p. 128 Beyond 30l Midlife choices and changes.

The twenties and thirties are a time of challenge and possibilities to young gifted grownups. Like their peers, many gifted people spend their lives trying to define themselves, to carve out a professional path, and to find a mate. But always there is the using up of challenges, the desire for new knowledge, the adjustments to the intense emotional and moral levels at which many of the gifted live their lives. Tasks that other regard as "accomplished", such as a settled level at job achievement, often represent levels of stagnation to a gifted person.
Moving on into the forties and fifties, there are the challenges and satisfactions of a family life, of raising one's own (very likely) gifted children. However, when observing the lives of gifted grownups, the stages seem to break down about here. They don't "settle in" like they are supposed to. They live to that special rhythm of challenge, achievement, what's next? For many of those I interviewed, that cycle seems to last between eighteen months and three years. After that, the person usually needs some new stimulation; a new project, a new challenge, something new to learn, a new job, or even a new career...

p. 131 Bored, bored, bored: The quest for a challenging work.
In the interviews, I found that where employment is concerned, gifted adult exhibit an intensity, an insistence on the integrity to do the work at its best, as well as a chronic impatience with shoddy work and slow thinkers. Gifted adults work too quickly, get bored, and show it. They raised the standard for everyone else, and that is always resented.
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Re: Gifted Grownups - The Miked Blessings of Extraordinary Potential. Marylou Kelly Streznewski

Message par Livingstone »

Merci pour ton partage !
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Re: Gifted Grownups - The Miked Blessings of Extraordinary Potential. Marylou Kelly Streznewski

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Merci Cat !
